Rate Increase
April 13, 2023
On March 29, 2023, the Board of Directors met to discuss the application of a loan through the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) in the amount of $2,000,000 to make necessary repairs to the intake dock, water plant, and the main water tower.
What needs to be done: On the night of January 11, 2023, there was a storm with heavy rain and winds that caused the dock to break loose from the bank and begin floating away. Our crew, with the help of a local dock service, was able to temporarily rig the dock to the bank. However, there was irreparable damage done and the dock will now need to be fully replaced. It has always been a plan to have a second filtration system put in when financially viable, but the winter storm 2021 made the need for a second system to be installed more evident. In addition to providing the main cell back up, the electronics in the current system are outdated and need to be fully replaced. Finally, the main water tower was recently inspected, and the report suggests that the tower be taken offline and repainted soon.
What this means to you: While we are actively seeking grant monies to aid in funding the above-mentioned projects, to move forward in the timely manner necessary the Board made the decision to move forward with the loan application. In order to comply with OWRB requirements, the Board also voted to raise the monthly minimum rate from $38 to $49 per month. The minimum still includes 2,000 gallons, and the rates per thousand gallons beyond the minimum will not change. The rate increase will be effective with the May billing, which will be due on June 15, 2023.